absorbent canisterの例文


  1. In front they had a rubber collar that was clamped around the absorbent canister.
  2. In 2011, Shearwater announced that they had licensed a technique to monitor carbon dioxide absorbent canister developed by the United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit.
  3. Or it can be run with one of its two absorbent canisters filled with potassium superoxide, which gives off oxygen as it absorbs carbon dioxide : 4KO 2 + 2CO 2 = 2K 2 CO 3 + 3O 2; in this mode the oxygen cylinder is a bailout, or to fill and flush the circuit at the start of the dive.


  1. "absorbency test"の例文
  2. "absorbent"の例文
  3. "absorbent agent"の例文
  4. "absorbent bed"の例文
  5. "absorbent brick"の例文
  6. "absorbent carbon"の例文
  7. "absorbent cloth"の例文
  8. "absorbent coating"の例文
  9. "absorbent cotton"の例文
  10. "absorbent cotton wool"の例文
  11. "absorbent bed"の例文
  12. "absorbent brick"の例文
  13. "absorbent carbon"の例文
  14. "absorbent cloth"の例文

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